Saturday, September 1, 2007

Assignment 1: Discussions, Comments and Explorations- Flux Series

It seems Mr Reddy thought I was making up a story about my art work. I seriously didn’t, I planned my work. It is evident in my documentation of the process below. I am now held in a dilemma, which art work should I use? Mr Reddy gave me the comments that he like the one with the white hand image, but it just look nice, while he likes the idea for the ‘3 hands colored art’ so I have to combine both concept. The problem is that if I use a negative film effect, the movement of the hand will not be as apparent as the reflective effect and if I use the reflective effect, the hands will be too obvious.

Ok, so I venture to my second round of exploration. Now I crop the picture to magnify the reflections of the drips of paint (which Paul commented that it is brilliant). By cropping the image, the hands will not be so apparent and the swirling effect is also clearer. So my fellow friends please give me your comments as to which image below is better. Your comments are priceless!

And yes we are suppose to give ourselves a grade. I am giving myself 90/1oo because I thought I did quite a good job for both picture that I show to the class. I played around with the transparency of the objects, while some people may have omited (thought that was one of criteria?). Also I thought it was quite a discovery for me to achieve the flux(movement) method. In terms of composition I try to keep it simple, with a strong focus on the colors and keeping the hands white (for one) so as not to draw the attention away. Using black to bring out the colors even richer. Subject method, cleverly used things that really portray my personality and stages of my life (this is one of the criteria!) The effects of flux blends well with the dabs of paint.

Short of 10 marks are for the improvement I have make to achieve what Mr Reddy commented. Tough job, but I hope that I have achieved that for the lastest 2 pic (above).


Fenrir Nightwolf said...

I've done wax work before, and I know it takes time. So kudos for the effort taken!

Unknown said...

I think your photogram is really interesting. The use of colours is vibrant and appealing.